recipe french crêpes

French Crêpes

DESCRIPTION What is a French crêpe? First, it is not a pancake. Crêpes are a lot thiner and are usually served with a sweet filling . They can…

Ker Y Pom

Ker y Pom recipe

The best pastry in St Malo ? If you ever get the chance, visit the unique city of St Malo, North Brittany. Once a city of legend, corsairs…

Sports bread

Winter is coming… Temperatures are dropping and days are getting shorter. Indulge yourself with a gilt free and energy boost bread : full of fibres and protein with…

History of French Madeleines

An accidental beginning As for many creations, the origin of the small biscuit “Madeleine” is attributed to several stories but the most likely and most commonly accepted is…

Easy vegan curry puffs recipe

Download your vegan curry puffs free recipe and start making your own. Learn how to bake vegan savouries using only fresh ingredients. Looking for new vegan recipe ideas…

French Briochette recipe

Download your free recipe and start making french brioche. including ingredients list, step by step recipe, tips… The briochette is the individual version of the French Brioche, sweet…

History of Brioche

Brioche is sweet bread very popular in France. It is consumed at all hours of the day by both children and adults: breakfast, afternoon tea, but also in…

Top 10 Food Trends for 2019

The CFIA exhibition just revealed the major food trends for tomorrow. 1 – URBAN FOOD ADVENTURE Today, more than half of the people are urban. They want more…